Live the New Life
Every person has physical life. But when we receive Jesus Christ into our lives as Savior and Lord, we then possess a new, spiritual life – the life of Christ within us.
This new life may be illustrated by a wheel, as you see in your book on page 11. A wheel gets its driving force from the hub. In the Christian life, Christ is the hub (Christ the Center)– the source of power and motivation for living a Christian life. He lives in us in the person of the Holy Spirit, whose expressed purpose is to glorify Christ (John 16:13-14).
The rim of the wheel represents you, the Christian, responding to Christ’s lordship through your wholehearted obedience to him (Obedience to Christ). This obedience involves your faithfulness in basic principles of Christian living.
The spokes of the wheel represent these basic principles – the means whereby Christ’s power reaches our lives. The vertical spokes (Prayer, God’s Word) concern our relationship to God through the Scriptures and prayer. The horizontal spokes (Witnessing, Fellowship) represent our relationships to other people, both believers and unbelievers, through fellowship and witnessing.
The wheel functions smoothly only when all the spokes are present and in proper balance.