联系我们 Contacts
地址 Address: 1430 South 131st East Avenue, Tulsa, OK 74108, USA
電話 Telephone: (918)438-6449, (918)970-0053
地圖 Map and Driving Directions
網址 Web address: www.tulsaccc.org
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聚会时间 Program Schedules
Sunday |
9:15 AM |
英文崇拜 |
English Worship Service |
9:30 AM |
中文主日學 |
Chinese Sunday School |
兒童崇拜 |
Children Church |
育嬰部 |
Nursery |
10:45 AM |
中文崇拜 |
Chinese Worship Service |
英文主日學 |
English Sunday School |
兒童主日學 |
Children Sunday School |
育嬰部 |
Nursery |
Tuesday |
9:30 AM |
婦女查經班 |
Women Bible Fellowship |
Thursday |
7:45 PM |
成人詩班 |
Adult Choir |
Friday |
7:30 PM |
青少年團契 |
World Changers (Youth) |
7:30 PM |
家庭查經班 |
Home Bible Fellowship |
6:30 PM | 学生團契 | Student Fellowship |
Saturday |
10:00 AM |
常青團契(每月第一周六) |
Evergreen Fellowship |
6:00 PM |
粵語團契(每月第二周六) |
Cantonese Fellowship |