團契 Fellowship
职业青年团契 Young Professional Fellowship
亲爱的弟兄姊妹或朋友,平安! 无论您是刚来到Tulsa或者是已经来Tulsa很久了的职业青年,无论您是工程师,会计师或是经理人,我们TCCC职业青年团契都非常欢迎您加入到我们的队伍当中!
男士团契 Men Fellowship
Our goal is to connect TCCC brothers in the pursuit of unity and godliness by providing meaningful relationships and quality fellowship through openness, accountability, honesty, trust, interdependence, and mutual growth and affirmation in the wrestling of common heart issues and in the praying for one another’s deep needs.
恩典團契 Grace Fellowship
猶大家所逃脫余剩的,仍要往下扎根,向上結果。必有剩余的民從耶路撒冷而出;必有逃脫的人從錫安山而來。萬軍之耶和華的熱心必成就這事 (以賽亞書 37:31-32)。
仁爱團契 Love Fellowship
Who are we?
The Love Fellowship is an English Bible Study Fellowship. We meet every Friday night to sing praises to God, learn the Word of God, share and fellowship with one another.
長青團契 Evergreen Fellowship
青少年团契 World Changers Fellowship
World Changers is the Friday night group for high schoolers. It’s a fun time of singing, praising, playing icebreaker games, sharing, listening to God’s Word, praying, and of course, great snacks.
詩班 Choir
"你們要讚美耶和華﹐在神的聖所讚美他。 在他顯能力的穹蒼讚美他" (詩篇150:1)。
在神的愛中﹐我們的詩班成立于一九八四年。 蒙神賜福引領﹐十八年來﹐ 詩班在喜樂之中成長。我們的宗旨是讚美榮耀神。詩班的事奉﹐除每月獻 詩一次之外﹐每逢重大的節日﹐都有特別音樂﹐詩歌獻唱。