The Women’s Fellowship is a sisters-only fellowship. We gather together once a week, singing hymns to praise God, learning God’s words, testifying and sharing God’s grace. We choose a topic each semester, and sisters rotate to lead a Bible study relevant to the topic. We encourage one another, discuss and grow together, and we all receive love and warmth in the Lord.
After the fellowship sisters enjoy a simple lunch and snacks prepared by each other in rotation. Not only do we get fed in spirit, but also we improve our cooking skills. We also plan some field trips or eat out in restaurants. In addition, sometimes our fellowship sings hymns at Sunday worship to praise the Lord.
Because of God’s love, the women’s fellowship supports families that have emergency needs by praying, cooking for them, and driving their kids back and forth to school. We also support special events at the church by assisting with food and decorations. We welcome you to join us, make friends in Christ, and grow your spiritual life by learning God’s word and serving Him. Glory to God!